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List all service account keys


As we move towards not doing things badly, we will be using stuff like Workload Identity [federation]


The below assumes you are already authenticated to google cloud, if you are not then

gcloud auth application-default login

Create the file

Create a file called

Write the script

In the file, paste the below

What are user managed keys?

User managed keys are the keys you create through the UI

gcloud projects list --format="value(project_id)" | while read -r project_id; do
     gcloud iam service-accounts list --project=$project_id --format='value(email)' | while read -r sa_email; do
       echo "Service Account: $sa_email"
       gcloud iam service-accounts keys list --iam-account=$sa_email --managed-by=user; done

Why is this one different

Google service accounts have Google managed keys that are created on the back end and do not display in the UI

gcloud projects list --format="value(project_id)" | while read -r project_id; do
     gcloud iam service-accounts list --project=$project_id --format='value(email)' | while read -r sa_email; do
       echo "Service Account: $sa_email"
       gcloud iam service-accounts keys list --iam-account=$sa_email; done

Make it Executable

chmod +x

Execute and leave it to run


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