Ansible basics
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I always create a folder for new tasks, so installing Nginx
Ansible | |-----Nginx | |---hosts | |---nginx.yaml
Change the directory to the task at hand, so here it's installing Nginx
Create a file called ansible.cfg and place the below in the file. Subsitute out the hosts for the names, and the server addresses for either their hostname, should you have dns set up, or their IP if you do not.
hostfile = hosts
Next we will create the hosts file, this is what ansible will reference later when we ask it to point to either a server, or a set of servers
[production:servers] #we can call a group by using this
Ansible is a bitch and only uses ssh with keys. follow this guide here on how to move your key to the server you want to work on
to ping a server and check that asnible can see it: ansible <host> -m ping
Creating the ansible job is fun. Here we will install nginx
Because it's yaml, use double space
- hosts: nginx
sudo: yes
- name: install nginx
apt: name=nginx update_cache=yes state=latest
Running an ansible job
ansible-playbook <host group> <task>.yaml <--ask-sudo-pass>
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