Compute Engine
This page was set to be reviewed before 2022-01-01 by the page owner.
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Live migration and availability policy
Your running instance is migrated to another host in the same zone
Does not change any attributes
Supports Local SSD's
NOT supported for GPU;s
It's configured under Availability policy
Default is to migrate
You can also configure terminate and automatic restart.
Custom machine types
You are able to create your own machine types and instance settings
You are billed per vcpu and memory provisioned
You are able to add a GPU to your machines
They are good for AI/ML use
Should have GPU libraries
Higher cost
Not supported on all machine types
Cant do live migration on GPU machines. Should be terminated instance.
Important nat things to remember
VMs are created underProjects
Machine types and availability differ from region to region
You can only change a machine type after the instance has stopped
VM's can be filtered on the page
They are Zonal so only run in a specific zone
Images are global and can be added to other projects if needs be
Templates are global unless you use zonal resources
Automated Basic Monitoring
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