CKA List of controllers
Enabled by default
- attachdetach
- bootstrapsigner
- cloud-node-lifecycle
- clusterrole-aggregation
- cronjob
- csrapproving
- csrcleaner
- csrsigning
- daemonset
- deployment
- disruption
- endpoint
- endpointslice
- endpointslicemirroring
- ephemeral-volume
- garbagecollector
- horizontalpodautoscaling
- job
- namespace
- nodeipam
- nodelifecycle
- persistentvolume-binder
- persistentvolume-expander
- podgc
- pv-protection
- pvc-protection
- replicaset
- replicationcontroller
- resourcequota
- root-ca-cert-publisher
- route
- service
- serviceaccount
- serviceaccount-token
- statefulset
- tokencleaner
- ttl
- ttl-after-finished
- Disabled-by-default controllers: bootstrapsigner tokencleaner
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