Authenticate Twine to Google Artifact Registry
If you work at a company that uses python, there is a high chance that you need to store python packages in a private registry
In order to authenticate to GAR with Twine, we need to do the below
Install Keyring
Install the Artifact Registry Backend
Get the config for your repo
gcloud artifacts print-settings python \
--project=<your project goes here> \
--repository=<repository name goes here> \
--location=<location goes here>
Which will give you something like the below
# Insert the following snippet into your .pypirc
index-servers =
# Insert the following snippet into your pip.conf
extra-index-url =<project>/<repo>/simple/
Setup your files
The next steps will have you editing files
index-servers =
< repo name>
repository =<project>/<repo>
Pip config
There are multiple locations for this file
You should run pip config debug
and note the files that exist
Tip: look for exists: True
Using the file that exists, or the one you use, insert the below in to it
Gcloud auth for good measures
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