Set grocy to use pritunl Zero usernames
Grocy allows you to set a username field passed as a header from a reverse proxy.
This makes it easier to provision users and not mess about with creating users in 2 places.
Firstly we need to find the headers that it passes.
Luckily I have done this already in Pritunl Forwarded Headers
The Header we need is:
Configure Grocy
Open the config.php
file located in config/data/config.php
Edit the line:
and 82
Update them to the below:
// Either "Grocy\Middleware\DefaultAuthMiddleware", "Grocy\Middleware\ReverseProxyAuthMiddleware"
// or any class that implements Grocy\Middleware\AuthMiddleware
Setting('AUTH_CLASS', 'Grocy\Middleware\ReverseProxyAuthMiddleware');
// Options when using ReverseProxyAuthMiddleware
Setting('REVERSE_PROXY_AUTH_HEADER', 'X-Forwarded-User'); // The name of the HTTP header which your reverse proxy uses to pass the username (on successful authentication)
Create users in Pritunl
Now you need to creat a user in Pritunl.
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