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Add Google Organization to Rapid7

I have decided to write this documentation because the official rapid7 documentation is garbage and I feel I can do better

Create an Org Role

Navigate to your Org profile, then select IAM > Role

At the top of the page, select + CREATE ROLE

Fill out the below

Field Name Value
Title Rapid7 Crawler
Description Role to allow Rapid7 to crawl GCP
ID rapid7.crawler
Role Launch Stage General Availability
Permissions "bigquery.tables.get", "bigquery.tables.list", "cloudasset.assets.listResource", "cloudasset.assets.searchAllIamPolicies","storage.buckets.get", "storage.buckets.getIamPolicy"

Click CREATE once done

Create service project and account

Due to how GCP works, you cant create service accounts at the org role. Instead, we need to creat a service account in a project, then give it org level access

Create a Google Project in a location of your choice. It's recommended you create a folder called External Auditing tools and under there create the project.

Once the project is created, navigate to IAM and Admin > Service Accounts


Fill out the below

Field name Value
Service Account Name Rapid7 Crawler
Service Account ID rapid7-crawler
Service Account Description Service Account used by Rapid7 to crawl GCP

Make a note of the email address, it will be in the format of



Enable Project APIs

Rapid7 requires at minimum the enablement of the below API in the service project


To enable this, search for Cloud Reource Manager API in the GCP console

Grant service account Permissions at org level

Navigate to your GCP org by clicking the project selector at the top of your screen, then clicking the domain name

Navigate to IAM and Admin


Fill out the below

Field Name Value
Add Principals Email address from Create Service project and account

For the Assign Roles field add the below

  • roles/resourcemanager.folderViewer
  • roles/iam.securityReviewer
  • roles/viewer
  • roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer

Also add the custom role you created. To locate this, click on the Select a role box, then click under Quick access click Custom and scroll to locate your role

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